Cloud Monitoring

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Cloud Monitoring


Cloud Monitoring provides insights into the performance of a cloud-based IT infrastructure. Cloud Monitoring Tools Proactively discover cloud performance bottlenecks in cloud computing architecture, infrastructure services, applications and quickly resolve them using automated & AI Capabilities.

Organization uses Cloud Monitoring Tools to Gain visibility into the performance, availability, and health of applications and infrastructure services.

Cloud Monitoring Capabilities

Organization looks for the below key features in Cloud Monitoring that can proactively identify the issues and keep the service up and running for their customers

        • Availability & Performance of Websites, Servers, Application, Storage, network, Databases and other Cloud Infrastructure services.
        • Detect & Eliminate Potential breaches and identify security Gaps at early stages.
        • To Secure the Network & Comply with regulations.
        • Monitor Multi Cloud environment in distributed locations.
        • Capture User Experience Metrics
        • Docker Container Performance
        • API Monitoring
        • Dashboard & Reporting with Enriched Visual Reports and Performance stats. Integration with Automated Ticketing and AI -ML Reporting Capabilities.
        • Fix first level issue by IT Automation.
        • Cloud Monitoring Tool integration with application, Webservers, database etc.
        • Instant alerts via email, SMS, voice calls when Threshold Level breaches.
        • Integrate with third-party IT service management (ITSM) and collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams& Jira.

Benefits of Cloud Monitoring

        • Cloud Infrastructure services are well secured.
        • Service Health monitored Continuously.
        • Easy to Troubleshoot Application & Optimize Performance
        • Scaling capability when there is increase or decrease in cloud Activity

Cloud Monitoring Solutions

Many Companies use the in-house Monitoring Tools provided by Cloud Provider like Amazon Cloud Watch, Azure monitor etc. Monitoring Tools are also provided by SaaS Providers which has rich Performance management capabilities but has higher cost, limited features and Integration Issues.

Below are the few best practices to be considered while Solutioning.

        • To Decide on the Monitoring Tool, we need to understand what are the KPI to Measure and impact on the Business.
        • Cloud Monitoring software should provide Integration with all application Components and services.
        • Centralized storage to collect and correlate data from several systems.
        • Monitoring solution should be able to handle the massive volumes of data generated by IoT devices or Big Data. 
        • Pricing Model should align with Business Needs based on device, users or monthly subscription method.
        • Alerting Mechanism when there is a breach in Threshold for the Stakeholders
        • Centralized Dashboard and Reporting Capability.
        • Cloud Monitoring Capability to support multiple Service Providers.
        • Third party Integration with tools like Slack, Jira, Microsoft Teams and support plugins for custom integrations.
        • Cloud Monitoring apps can be accessed over internet on multiple types of devices like desktop, tab and Mobiles.

Cloud Monitoring Tools

Datadog is a SaaS monitoring solution to monitor cloud infrastructure, applications, containers, network etc it can also be integrated with AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

SolarWinds is a full-stack cloud performance monitoring platform available in the SaaS model. 

The Azure Monitor solution designed to monitor Microsoft Azure cloud services on-premise and cloud-based environments. Using webhook alerts generated by Microsoft Azure monitoring can be sent to the event management services.

Amazon CloudWatch is a native AWS monitoring tool which can also monitor custom metrics generated by application.

BMC True Sight is a SaaS-based solution for cloud and server architecture monitoring Tool.

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