Cloud Migration

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Cloud Migration


Cloud Migration is the process of moving Enterprise Infrastructure On-premise Datacenter workloads to Cloud. Datacenter Workloads are moved to Cloud using Migration Tools provided by Cloud Providers like AWS, Azure, Google etc. Also, we can move from one Cloud provider to another. This Transition requires Complete understanding on the infrastructure before and after move. The Cloud Migration Solutions should be aligned with Business Requirement of the Company.

Cloud Migration Strategies

Initially Business Case for migration should be defined. The Primary Consideration is  the deployment Model( Public, Private and Hybrid )and then on cloud Service Model(IaaS, PaaS ,SaaS) . Based on the Business Criticality multi cloud to be considered. Below are the few Cloud Migration strategies for moving IT resources to Cloud.

Re-Hosting:   In Lift and Shift approach On-premise Servers and application are moved to Cloud without making any changes. The Business impact is very Low.

Re-Platforming: This migration approach makes some changes to your application, platform, Database service etc. to work optimally in Cloud.

Re-Factoring: This approach involves in Re-architecting and rebuilding  workload to be “cloud-native.

Cloud Migration Process

Below are the Migration Steps for Moving Business Workload to Cloud.

      • Build Business Case for Migration
      • Assessment of Existing Environment
      • Evaluate Migration Cost
      • Choose Service Provide and Deployment Model
      • Define Cloud Service Model & Evaluate
      • Migrate & Test

Cloud Migration Tool

Cloud Migration Tool helps in Migrating Server, Database, Application etc… from On-premise to Cloud also from one Cloud to another Cloud. Decision on Selecting Migration Tool depends on the Type of Migration we are Planning to Perform. Below are the few Queries helps to decide on the Migration Tool Selection

      • Does the Migration Tool provides Pre Assessment Tool.
      • Tool Support for Migrating Server, Data, Application etc.
      • Migration to Other Cloud Services( like AWS to Azure)
      • Availability of Performance Dashboard, Monitoring resource Consumption& Cost Estimator



Benefits of Cloud Migration

      • Reduction in Total Cost of Ownership. In Public cloud Operational Expense is low as management of Workload is taken care by Cloud Providers
      • Scalability – increase or decrease resource as per Demand.
      • Security – Cloud providers takes care of Data ,Compliance and regulation Concerns
      • Cloud Adoption – Easy to Consume ,access data anywhere.

Cloud Migration Challenges

      • Stakeholder Acceptance for Migration
      • Cloud Migration Cost ,Tools Cost & Bandwidth Cost
      • Legacy Application has to be Rebuilt
      • Re-architecting Application  to Perform Optimally in Cloud
      • User Training Cost


Companies planning to undertake Cloud Migration have to be clear with the Migration Strategy and  Stakeholders. Approval . Moving to the cloud opens so many business opportunities. Cloud Migration helps company to transform business by  adopting the latest technology approaches.  This will bring in reduction of TCO  and Faster time to Market.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Milan

    nice Article, Really helpful

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