How to Create Virtual Machine Scale Set in Azure

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How to Create Virtual Machine Scale set in Azure

Sign in to the Azure portal at

Selecting + Create Resource in Azure Portal Home Page and Select Virtual Machine Create Button.

Create New Resource Group and Enter VM Name.

In Availability Option Select Virtual Machine Scale Set, this will redirect to VM Scale set Creation page.

Select Region and in Availability Zone section Mark as None.

Choose the Required Size of VM and OS.

Refer Create VM in Azure( Windows & Linux)

Note: You can also specify an availability zone to deploy your scale set. Choose Zone 1,2 or 3, this will create managed disk and public Ip in the same availability zone as your scale set.

Move to Scaling Tab.

Enter the Initial instance Count. Change the Scaling Policy to Custom and alter the instance number based on Metrics Threshold.

Check the Networking Tab: default vnet will be Created.

Refer How to Create Public Load Balancer, if LB is Required.

Select Review and Create.

Select the VM scale Set, now you can see the initial instance count (2 VM) in Running state.

Note : You can change the setting in the Custom autoscale option as above.

If you have Created Ubuntu VM, Install nginx and test the webserver in portal.

Connect to your Ubuntu Server,

Open powershell and ssh to your Ubuntu VM(Copy and Paste SSH command from Instance Connect tab)

Command to install webserver and load the default webserver page in the Browser.

$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ curl –i ipaddress

Optionally you can do Load test using Azure Load Testing Service.

Cleanup the Resource.

Select the Resource Group and Delete.

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